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Stephen Iorns

Bespoke Advice and Representation

Stephen was called to the bar in 2008 and has practiced in civil and criminal litigation since. He has appeared in matters ranging from the Disputes Tribunal, Parole Board and District Court, to acting as lead counsel in High Court trials (both criminal and civil), Environment Court proceedings (civil and criminal), appeals to the High Court and Court of Appeal, and international arbitration proceedings seated in London.


Stephen's depth and breadth of experience traverses complex commercial disputes, company law, estate litigation, relationship property matters, environmental law, as well as regularly coming up against the state in the civil or criminal context.


One mark of his success is that much of his best work will never be spoken of. He has acted for high profile lawyers, CEO's, venture capitalists, politicians, public servants, companies and charities, quietly resolving issues that would otherwise be front page news.


Stephen is available for instructions on both criminal and civil matters nationwide. International briefs will be considered.



DDI:  04 974 9121

Mobile: 021 423 990


PO Box 399



Recent Notable Cases

Page v Greater Wellington Regional Council [2023] NZCA 20 (successful application to bring second appeal and adduce further evidence on appeal).

A v B [names suppressed] [2022] NZHC 3368; [2022] NZHC3577 (Complex commercial case - freezing orders obtained for clients without notice, then continued after on notice hearing)

Commerce Commission investigation re X (NZ Branch of multi-national orginisation investigated for alleged breaches of FTA. Two year investigation concluded with no breaches found). 

Wyllie v Firmin [2022] NZHC 527 (21 March 2022)

Greater Wellington Regional Council v Adams [2022] NZEnvC 25 (4 March 2022)

Settlers Honey Ltd v First Honey NZ Ltd [2021] NZHC 2650; [2021] NZHC 1576; [2021] NZHC 1151

DLH v GCI (ICC Arbitration No 23261/TO, London, 18 February 2020)

Nisbet v Blakey [2020] NZHC 1731

de Gregorio v Surridge [2019] NZHC 1802

Linton v Police [2019] NZHC 1696

Installer Services (Hutt Valley) Ltd (in liq) v Colson [2019] NZHC 1084

DLH v GCI (ICC Arbitration No 23261/TO, London, 4 April 2019)

Installer Services (Hutt Valley) Ltd v Colson [2019] NZHC 210

Szekely v North [2018] NZCA 227, [2018] NZAR 1287, [2018] NZCCLR 23

R v Thompson & Ors - Amicus (High Court, Wellington, 21 August 2018, CRI-2016-091-2957, Clark J)

Philip Moore & Company Ltd v Surridge [2018] NZHC 562, (2018) 15 TCLR 79, [2020] NZCCLR 10

Inde Legacy Ltd v S J Distributors Ltd [2017] NZHC 2859

de Gregorio v Surridge [2017] NZHC 2061

Philip Moore & Company Ltd v Surridge [2017] NZHC 1068

Gvozdenovic (dec'd), Re; Richardson v Spivak [2016] NZHC 2637

Philip Moore & Company Ltd v Surridge [2016] NZHC 2149

Hill v R [2015] NZHC 3116

R v Reriti [2015] NZHC 2982

Installer Services (Group) Ltd v Installer Services (Hutt Valley) Ltd (District Court, Christchurch, 4/9/2013, CIV-2013-009-638, Somerville DCJ)

Flavell v Police [2013] NZHC 481

O'Riley v Police (High Court, Wellington, 25/11/2011, CRI-2011-485-98, Mallon J)

Ryan v Police (High Court, Wellington, 31/8/2011, CRI-2011-485-63, Dobson J)

Woodward v Police (High Court, Wellington, 31/8/2011, CRI-2011-485-67, Dobson J)

Ryan v Police (High Court, Wellington, 27/7/2011, CRI-2011-485-23, MacKenzie J)

Chansee v Police (High Court, Wellington, 6/4/2011, CRI-2010-485-133, Ronald Young J)

Bowers v Department of Corrections (High Court, Wellington, 5/4/2011, CRI-2011-485-12, Ronald Young J)

N v Police (High Court, Wellington, 9/3/2010, CRI-2010-485-10, Clifford J)

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